Our commitment.

We are committed to protecting the environment and we believe that any company has a responsibility not to compromise the ability of future generations to fully enjoy the benefits of a clean environment. The impact that any of our activities, or even those of our customers or suppliers, might have on the environment is for us an important consideration.

As a consumer, we will seek to reduce our consumption of non-renewable resources, increase our use of renewable resources, and whenever practicable will select materials which have the least impact on the environment throughout their life cycle.

Environmental Protection has equal status to considerations for Health, Safety and Production Quality.

In confirming our commitment to protection of the environment we will treat environmental regulations that apply to our activities as minimum standards and where appropriate aim to better them.

Responsibility for the Environmental Policy and Supporting Statement lies with the Managing Director. The Environmental Policy will be brought to the attention of all employees and will be reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness and compliance with environmental law and that it reflects changing needs and circumstances.

Welcon A/S is certified according to ISO 14001.

Our goals.

To support our desire to protect the environment, WELCON A/S has made an agreement with ENIIG A.M.B.A to ensure that all our consumption of electricity comes from power from wind turbines. This agreement is called KlimaEl Vind. The total consumption in WELCON A/S is app. 6.000.000 kWh annually. Whilst recognising the fundamental responsibility of WELCON A/S and its employees for Environmental Protection, WELCON A/S will seek advice on environmental issues to ensure a full understanding of emerging environmental concerns and the development and implementation of effective environmental policies. Particular attention will be paid to the following areas:

Waste management

Waste will be kept to a minimum, and only waste contractors who are licensed to dispose of specific waste will be used and all selected contractors will be checked to ensure they comply with the relevant legislation.


Whenever possible, we will through our waste management try to select waste contractors who supply our waste materials to recycling.


Noise and dust will be suppressed, where practical, to ensure that no nuisance is caused to neighbouring establishments or the general public.

Monitoring Customer specifications

Welcon A/S is seeking to select and use less hazardous chemicals/materials that are more environmentally friendly wherever reasonably practicable.

Conservation of energy

Economic use of heating and electricity.

Staff training and recruitment

Staff training and recruitment to meet the environmental objectives.

Legislative compliance

Compliance with the law and best available technology in environmental protection. All employees are to consider themselves equally responsible for complying with the Environmental Policy and are encouraged to suggest improvements to this end.

Find more information.


If you would like to learn more about our company policies, please get in touch with us onĀ welcon@welcon.dk or call us on +45 30 18 61 00.

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