We take health & safety seriously.
We are committed to the achievement of very high safety standards within our facilities, and externally where we perform work. And we are of course certified according to ISO 45001 .

Our commitment.
We will ensure that all practical and effective measures are in place to protect the health, safety and welfare of our employees, suppliers, customers and others that may be affected by our operations.
The overall responsibility for Health and Safety rests with the Managing Director. Furthermore, an internal Safety Organisation has been established according to the legal requirements in Denmark. The internal Safety Organisation consists of representatives from the general management, shop floor management and employees, including the general employee representative. The Health and Safety Policy is implemented and maintained in cooperation between the Safety Organisation and the management of WELCON A/S.
After each Safety Review, a predefined check list is filled out, and any suggestions and improvements are listed. These check lists are evaluated by the Safety Organisation, whereafter an action-plan is made to implement any agreed upon suggestions and improvements.
The existence and function of the Safety Organisation gives all employees a possibility to influence the health and safety matters of WELCON A/S, and therefore all employees have important responsibilities and must support, participate and be fully committed to its implementation and continuous improvement.
It is the policy of WELCON A/S that Health and Safety and the protection of the Environment have equal status of other business objectives.
WELCON A/S will annually review this Health and Safety Policy and verify its effectiveness, compliance with health and safety laws and regulations, and that it reflects changing needs and circumstances.
Welcon A/S is certified according to ISO 45001.
Find more information.
If you would like to learn more about our company policies, please get in touch with us on welcon@welcon.dk or call us on +45 30 18 61 00.